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If you are interested in becoming a distributor of our HHO Systems, now is the time to act. We are currently still accepting applications for new distributorships, however the spots are limited and we are quickly reaching our capacity. We have taken on over 35 new distributorships in the past 2 months, and our space is quickly reaching capacity. We offer discounted pricing for our distributors and order priority (we ship your orders first!). The process of getting started is simple and straightforward - and NO SIGNUP FEE!!  Read on for details:
 The process of signing up to become a distributor is first to purchase your own HHO System or Fuel Cell. (It is suggested for you to install and operate one of our systems on your own vehicle to become familiar with how the technology and the systems work - it is an important part of successfully reselling our products to first understand the operation of our Fuel Systems). Once you have made an initial purchase of any one (1) Fuel System or Fuel Cell at retail price, you are pre-qualified - please contact us and we can send you our new distributor orientation file. There is no signup fee (for now - this will be added in the future, however distributors who are approved beforehand will remain exempt from any signup costs or membership fees). Once you have reviewed our distributorship orientation file, and agree to the terms and conditions, we will send you the signup form and add you to our database. That's it! From that point forward, you will receive your access code, and can enter our distributorship website and make your future purchases at discounted pricing to resell to your customers. We also offer drop-shipping services, where you simply sell the products to your customers at the prices you determine, place the order with us, and we ship straight to them (with your company name and return address on the package). You basically turn a profit without ever having to even stock the parts. Or, if you prefer we can also ship the items to you for you to resell. The options and opportunities are limitless. We have some distributors that routinely sell 30+ fuel systems per week! Act soon before the remaining spaces are filled.
Copyright 2014 - Alternative MPG - Contact Us: Sales@AlternativeMPG.com - Precision Hydrogen Fuel Systems - Automotive HHO Parts & Accessories - Worldwide Shipping Available
Precision Hydrogen Fuel Systems
Systems Available For Both Beginning & Advanced Users